Pinappos was founded on three very specific missions — to provide a platform for diverse voices, always be authentic, and create happiness.
At Pinappos, diversity isn’t a reactionary measure. It’s in our DNA. It’s the very fiber of who we are and who we’ll always strive to be.
Furthermore, we recognize a world that has far too long been manipulated by fake news and false reviews. Authenticity is at the core of who we are. We don’t have room for so-called “influencers” being paid to give high praise. Truth matters and we are committed to the best of our ability to always offer our most honest voices.
Last but not least, where today’s media has become dependent on click-bait content, forcing audiences into doomscrolling bad news 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, Pinappos vows to be a place for happiness focused entertainment. We are determined to provide a safe space for those who don’t want to drown in darkness.
We at Pinappos know that people are more important than clicks and that’s why Pinappos happily leads the way for a new era of media.