Binge /binj/
A short period devoted to indulging in an activity to excess.
Remember “Netflix and chill” (stop snickering 24 year old guys. We know what that meant to you when you were 14)? Well, Netflix is no longer the only game in town, and “chill” in this new pandemic world takes everything to a whole new level. Now with the number of confirmed cases of Coronavirus again skyrocketing, it seems a second shut-down is inevitable. Just in case that comes to pass, I’d like to share some of the shows that I’ve “binged” since March along, with a special brand of reviews that you can only get here on Pinappos.
So here are Stormin’s reviews of series he’s watched during the pandemic (so far. And yes, I did write that in third person. Illeism to the one lawyer and the only other person that might read this that knows any Latin at all) in six words or less. Including bonus star ratings.